Welcome to the light side of Big Data

Noé Gaumont

Pint Of Science - 16 /05/2018

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Goals of the politoscope

What to expect from Twitter data ?

  • Diffusion of information
  • Structures of political communities
  • Semantic specificity of each community
  • Relation between candidates and their community
  • Interactions between communities

Data collection & processing

Data Collection

$3700$ political figures followed

$66$ hashtags tracked

60 millions Tweets between july 2016 and the presidential election

Graph of retweets without modifications

Create a link between accounts if enough retweets present

Twittosphere in 2016

Graph between August and October 2016

Position : computed by an algorithm simulating gravitational forces

Color : computed by the Louvain algorithm

Diffusion of information

Tweet diffusion

Graph between August and October 2016

Diffuse mainly in left-wing communities

Tweet diffusion

Graph between August and October 2016

Diffuse mainly in right-wing communities

Tweet diffusion

Graph between August and October 2016

Diffuse mainly in rigt-wing communities
and accounts without communtiy

Tweet diffusion

Graph between August and October 2016

Diffuse mainly in left-wing communities
and accounts without communtiy

Diffusion of fake news

Graph of twitter accounts sharing fake news and debunks from the Decodeurs

Difference of share of fake news
and debunks

Evolution of the Twittosphere

End of 2016

Graph between August and December 2016

Nodes : Twitter accounts

Links : enough retweets without modification

2 weeks before the first round

Graph 2 weeks before the first round

Between first and second round

Graph between first and second round

Evolution of political communities

Alluvial graph of political communities from august 2016 to septembre 2017
Each vertival bar is proportionnal to the size of the community

François Fillon wins the right-wing primary

Perturbation because of the Penelope Gate

Alluvial graph of political communities from august 2016 to septembre 2017

Socio-semantic dynamics of political communities

When Macron and his community talk about ecology

When Melenchon and his community talk about ecology

How Macron and his community talk about ecology

How Melenchon and his community talk about ecology